Media Release - Labor Welcomes NRMA Road Damage Report

13 December 2022

The NSW Opposition has welcomed the NRMA’s ‘Fix Our Broken Roads’ report and commits to looking closely at the recommendations. 

The NRMA report measures the NSW funding backlog as standing at $1.9 billion in 2020-21 including a $1.5 billion backlog in the regions. 

The report points state funding for roads as requiring more attention than ever given the financial pressures on councils and the worsening state of local roads. 

The dire need identified in the report stands in stark contrast to the NSW Government response so far. 

In the last round of Budget Estimates, the Government confirmed that no regional roads had been transferred under the Liberals and Nationals 2019 election commitment to reclassify and transfer 15,000 kilometres of roads.

Comments attributable to Jenny Aitchison MP, Shadow Minister for Regional Transport and Roads: 

“As a result of this report we are only now starting to learn the extent of the damage, but it is not a surprise that after so many wet weather events NSW is facing a road damage crisis. The Government could have, and should have, prepared better.”

“Maintaining our state’s roads is essential for passenger and freight safety, and to keep NSW moving.”

“Roads and transport in regional communities are social determinants of health, education, jobs and opportunity. For the government to have a nearly two billion dollar backlog in road funding across the state is unforgivable.”

“This report confirms what we all know, that the NSW Government has failed our regional, rural and remote communities on roads.”

"Having such a huge backlog across the state, whilst they have wasted nearly ten times that amount on failed Sydney transport projects is an absolute disgrace.”

“This is just another example of how this tired and lazy 12 year old Liberal National Government continues to neglect our regional and rural communities.”