Media Release - Job losses a devastating blow for Maitland

08 June 2017

Public sector workers at the Maitland Office of State Revenue have unanimously voted to call on the NSW Berejiklian Government to reverse its decision to implement forced transfers for up to 40 of its employees. In April 2016, the Government announced plans to move more than 300 positions to Gosford. Forty of those jobs were to be forced transfers to Gosford and 50 were to be transferred by natural attrition between the Maitland and Lithgow offices (25 per office). At an average wage of $67,000 the job losses represented a loss of more than $1.67m in wages to the Lithgow economy and over $4.3million in wages to Maitland's economy. Last week under pressure from the Public Service Association, Lithgow Councillor Cass Coleman and Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison, the government back flipped on the 50 jobs that were to be moved by natural attrition. They have not however given any reassurances regarding the 40 jobs which will be forced to transfer to the Gosford centre. Even after last week's backflip, the Government will still rip over $2.6million from Maitland's economy. The multiplier effect of government wages in the community is estimated at some seven times, meaning our local small businesses will be suffer a loss of customers and our economic loss will be around $18.7m. Maitland has suffered enough job losses with the mining down turn, and the government's refusal to fast track the new Lower Hunter Maitland hospital. Without the $400m investment by Stockland in the Greenhills shopping centre our unemployment levels would not have recovered from the near recession levels of unemployment in 2015. Comments attributable to Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison MP:
“Forty job losses at the our local Office of State Revenue will be devastating for the local economy and for many in my electorate” “I call on the government to reverse this decision and support jobs in Regional Australia.” “These forced relocations will have a significant impact on the health and safety of staff and for many will create an unstainable work/family balance.” “If the Berejiklian Government was truly committed to Regional Australia they wouldn’t be robbing Peter to pay Paul.” “Pinching jobs from Maitland to give to the Central Coast does nothing for overall employment in regional areas and I will continue to lobby the government to ensure the needs of Regional Australia are heard loud and clear” "The Berejiklian Barilaro Government needs to stand up for regional NSW not steal our jobs and move them closer to Sydney." "The Premier boasted at the Nationals Conference a few weeks ago that she was committed to seeing regional NSW gets it fair share, but all we see is her ripping jobs out of our economy and failing to deliver our long promised hospital and other essential education, transport and roads infrastructure."