Media Release - Govt fails to pass its dodgy Right to Farm Bill

24 October 2019

In yet another embarrassing setback for Nationals Minister the Hon Adam Marshall MP, the NSW Government’s half-baked “right to farm” bill has failed to pass through to the final stages in the Legislative Council last night.

After having to amend their own bill to get it through the Legislative Assembly because it was so poorly drafted the first time, the Government is understood to have been negotiating even more amendments on the amended bill as late as yesterday evening.

The bill has been widely criticised with over 400 submissions made to an Upper House inquiry on the bill, highlighting its many deficiencies.

Labor’s Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Jenny Aitchison MP said the Government had failed farmers by failing to draft the legislation properly and failing to negotiate with Labor and the Crossbench to deliver a better bill.

“We have reached out to the Government on this bill so many times, yet they have staunchly refused to work with Labor and the crossbench to help our struggling farmers.”

“The Goverment needed to show leadership on this bill, but has merely sought to create conflict and division.”

“No-one, not even the Government, can support the legislation in its current form, it is so poorly drafted.”

“As the legislation stands, it will pit farmers against each other, restrict legitimate forms of protest and industrial action, and could even be struck down by the High Court.”

Labor, The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, the Greens and the Animal Justice Party all put forward amendments to the bill.

The proposed amendments will not be considered until after Parliament reconvenes in November.

“The Nationals have failed yet again to pass their right to farm legislation because it’s still poorly drafted and not fit for purpose.”

“Farmers in this state want to have certainty and they want water. They don’t want the Government fighting with the crossbench or putting up dodgy bills that don’t do the job.”

“Labor can’t pass dodgy laws like the Government’s Right to Farm Bill that simply won’t pass the High Court, and could leave farmers worse off than they were before.”