Media Release - Frontline domestic violence services restored under community pressure

05 August 2016

The NSW Opposition is pleased the Government has the re-instated crucial funding to Penrith Women’s Health Centre for domestic violence caseworkers and counsellors working in early intervention, after significant pressure by Labor MPs.

Jenny Aitchison, Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and Sophie Cotsis, Shadow Minister for Women, along with Prue Car MP, Trish Doyle MP and newly-elected Federal Member for Lindsay, Emma Husar MP visited Penrith Women’s Centre recently to see first-hand the devastation the loss of this funding had caused.

Jenny Aitchison and Sophie Cotsis also visited the Sydney Women's Counselling Centre in Campsie which, together with Cumberland Women’s Centre, are still waiting for their services to be restored.

This important issue has been raised in private members speeches in NSW Parliament by Jenny Aitchison and Prue Car this week, with Trish Doyle speaking on the need for more services in a notice of motion debated by the Parliament yesterday.

The community has rallied behind the petition launched last month and already hundreds of people have signed the formal and online petitions.

Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Jenny Aitchison

“These are essential programs that were funded by the former Labor government. It is disgraceful that the Baird Government took away their funding.”

“The Baird Government has to answer questions from the women who have been turned away from the centres. Who has been helping them in meantime?”

Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for Women Sophie Cotsis

“I am very concerned that there has been no formal announcement on either Sydney Women’s Counselling and Cumberland Women’s Health Centre. The Government needs to act without delay.

“Demand has been high, particularly from young women from culturally and linguistically-diverse communities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Londonderry Prue Car

“It is appalling that it has taken advocacy by Labor MPs in surrounding electorates to get the Government to act on this - where has Stuart Ayres been?”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Blue Mountains Trish Doyle

“I welcome this funding, but hope it will be extended to the other centres immediately. Women experiencing domestic violence need real help.”