Media Release - Celebrating Women Who Support Women

04 April 2019

Older women who have worked in support of other women in their communities will be celebrated in NSW Parliament when Maitland MP Jenny Aitchison hosts the 2019 Jean Arnot Memorial Luncheon.
The event has been organised by the National Council of Women of NSW and The Australian Federation of Business and Professional Women. It will be held on Friday, May 3 in the Strangers’ Dining Room of NSW Parliament.
Ms Aitchison is calling for nominations of Maitland women aged 90 and above who deserve to be recognised during the luncheon.
Recipients will be presented to the Guest of Honour, The Hon. Dr Kay Patterson AO, Age Discrimination Commissioner, and receive a certificate acknowledging their good work.
This luncheon marks the 27th such event held in memory of Miss Jean Arnot, a highly respected librarian who fought for equal pay for equal work and worked to improve the status of women.
“Since my election I have had the pleasure of meeting many women from Maitland who epitomise the values associated with Jean Arnot as they have undertaken work throughout our community to improve the status of women,” Ms Aitchison said.
During the luncheon, the State Library of NSW will also present its 2019 Jean Arnot Memorial Fellowship.
The fellowship will be awarded to a female librarian or female student of librarianship who has produced an outstanding original, unpublished paper of fewer than 5,000 words on any aspect of librarianship.
The $1000 Fellowship is made possible through support from the National Council of Women of New South Wales, and the Australian Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Associations.
People wishing to nominate a woman aged 90 years or older for recognition during the luncheon should supply a short biography on the nominee as soon as possible.
“In the past, the organising committee has had to turn away some late applications,” Ms Aitchison said. “If people hope to attend I would encourage them to accept as soon as possible.”
For more information about the luncheon, or to nominate a worthy woman, email