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13 June 2024



Truck drivers and tourists are among the motorists set to benefit from an Outback rest stop safety and infrastructure upgrade being delivered by the NSW Labor Government.

The Gilgunnia Goldfields Rest Area is located about 109 kilometres south of Cobar on the Kidman Highway which is a major freight route used for transportation of livestock, produce and other goods interstate.

A $255,000 upgrade will bring the rest stop up to modern standards and see the toilet upgraded from the waterless composting facility currently in place.

Work to improve drainage and the surface of the truck parking bay will also be carried out, while a fresh coat of paint will be applied to the water tank.

A non-working barbecue, cage and a disused water tank will also be removed as part of efforts to improve the amenity of the rest area, which will remain open throughout the upgrade period.

Upgrade work will start on June 17 and is expected to take up to six weeks to complete.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:

“Having visited this area in 2022 and again in January this year, I know the value of good quality roadside stops to local communities, tourism and freight operators.

“Good amenities in remote rest stops can be the difference between life and death in helping long distance drivers to better manage their fatigue.

“The Far West is a special place to me, as my grandma was born and grew up in Lake Cargelligo and lived in Hillston during the early years of her marriage.

“I am proud to be part of the NSW Labor Government which has listened to the advocacy of regional champions such as local MP Roy Butler and the Hon Stephen Lawrence MLC in providing better facilities for motorists in remote areas of NSW.”

Independent Member for Barwon Roy Butler said:

“I welcome this upgrade to the amenities available along the Kidman Highway.

“This is something that the community has wanted for some time. In its previous state, the rest stop left a lot to be desired.

“Truck drivers in that part of the world have long distances to cover and anything that makes a rest stop more usable and comfortable will encourage drivers to take more breaks from behind the wheel.

“That can make a big difference on a long trip.

“Anything that helps improve safety along the main roads of Barwon is a great thing. It will also be good for tourists who travel the highway.”

Labor’s spokesperson for Barwon Stephen Lawrence MLC said:

“The facilities at Gilgunnia were originally installed by a community group many years ago and have deteriorated over time.

“It is good to see the NSW Labor Government recognising the need for improvement and directing more investment where it’s needed in the state’s far west.”